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Hair transplant women

Most women take great pride in their hair and excessive hair loss can take them by surprise and scare them. Hair loss is a perfectly natural continuous process, but excessive hair loss is not. There can be many causes behind increased hair loss, more so in newborns, adolescents and, of course, seniors, or during hormonal changes. However, if you don't fall into any of these categories and your hair is starting to thin, you should start looking into why this is the case.

Let's talk a little more about that. Hair loss is a perfectly natural continuous process, excessive hair loss is not. There can be many causes behind increased hair loss, it happens to a greater extent to newborns, adolescents and of course the elderly. However, if you don't fall into any of these categories and your scalp is starting to thin, you should start looking into why this is the case.

Experts usually consider excessive hair loss to be more than 100 hairs per day. Hardly anyone will count hair loss, but an indicator may be more hair on your pillow, in the shower or on your comb.

If you notice that you are suddenly losing a lot more hair, or your ponytail is thinner, or you can see your scalp, then you are probably losing more hair than you should. It's mostly due to factors, which we'll look at together now.

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Causes of hair loss


First of all, for women it can be childbirth, some women experience very intense hair loss for several months after giving birth, for others hair falls less. It's very individual, but quite crucial in terms of hair restoration. 

Hormonal changes

Second are the much-discussed hormonal changes. Most women have problems with hair loss during menopause due to the drop in estrogen levels. Hormonal imbalances can also occur after discontinuing the birth control pill or switching to another type of hormonal contraceptive. Whether you've just started taking birth control, are discontinuing or changing brands, your body may respond by making your hair fall out more.


Stress is an everyday occurrence for most of us, but a traumatic experience such as a divorce, death in the family, job change or other life change can trigger transient stress alopecia. Your body draws on all of its resources to cope with a difficult life situation, stopping hair growth and nourishment. Once you have overcome the stressful period, all that stopped hair starts to push out and fall out. The same thing can occur with major physical stress or trauma, such as a difficult surgery or significant weight loss.

Who can have a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation can be performed by virtually anyone whose health is good. After an initial consultation with our doctor, we will evaluate whether your donor area is healthy and there is nothing preventing you from undergoing the transplant. Of course, e.g. pregnant women cannot undergo a transplant.


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