Hair transplantation techniques FUE & DHI

Many of you have been considering a hair transplant for some time. In order to give you all the information and to get more oriented in this field, we will introduce you to two modern techniques FUE (Folicullar Unit Extraction) and DHI (Direct Hair Implantation). 


FUE technique 


The FUE method is based on the extraction of hair follicles from an area called the "donor area". Here, they are resistant to factors that cause hair loss, and their transfer to areas where there is less hair or no hair growth at all, the so-called receptor areas, using a special scalpel that leaves no lines or scars. The result of this method is completely natural. In the old, previously used methods, where hair transplantation consisted of removing part of the scalp and then bandaging and threading it with surgical threads, it was common to leave painful scars, which is not the case with this technique. 


In contrast, the FUE technique is considered painless and complete healing occurs as early as 7-8 days after hair transplantation. This means only superficial healing, however the whole process takes about 5-6 months to achieve the result. 


DHI technique 


DHI hair transplantation stands for direct hair implantation. In this state-of-the-art method, the grafts are removed using a medical pen called a Choi, and then the roots taken with this pen are placed directly into the skin without the need to open an incision or channel. As with FUE, the first step of the DHI technique is to take the roots using a micromotor. The biggest difference between DHI hair transplantation and the FUE technique is that there is no separate step to open the canal. The tip of the DHI pen both opens the canal, and then places hair follicles into the open canals, which are transplanted into areas where hair did not previously grow. 


With the DHI technique, your skin will also heal within 7-8 days after the procedure. At the same time, you do not feel any pain for a few days after the surgery, so there are no restrictions associated with it that might interfere with your daily functioning. 


What are the differences between the two techniques FUE and DHI? Which one is right for you? 


In previous articles, we have explained the differences in these two techniques that are used for effective transplantation of your hair. It all comes down to the application itself, for which various specially adapted tools are used. Are you wondering which technique is right for you? It all depends on your current condition, donor area, etc. The best way to find out is to have a free consultation with us, where our team of experts will evaluate your case, determine the appropriate technique, the expected number of new grafts and, of course, the price. We will explain everything to you in detail. (Feel free to contact us, button)

Before surgery

There are a few things you should know and follow before the surgery. Although this is a procedure that is only performed under local anesthesia, it is still an intervention on your body that is subject to certain rules.


Our services are absolutely precise in this regard and it is our responsibility to make sure that the client is prepared for the procedure. Before you fly with us to our clinic in Istanbul, your current hair (beard) and skin condition will be examined by our specialist who will confirm that everything is in the best possible condition. 


In order for everything to be as it should be, you should stop drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages and caffeine about a week before the surgery. If you are using chemical hair growth products such as Minoxidil, it is also important to discontinue.


The morning before surgery, have only an easily digestible breakfast, preferably just vegetables, a piece of bread or cereal, and as mentioned, skip coffee or energy drinks and do not smoke. After breakfast, you will be met by a personal driver who will take you to our clinic for a comprehensive pre-operative examination. The examination includes a blood pressure measurement, a blood draw which is also used for PRP therapy (a special method where plasma is extracted from your blood and injected back into your scalp after surgery to serve as a strengthening attachment for new hair).

At the same time, the doctor will consult with you on your idea of where your new hairline will lead, so that everything is to your best liking. All with the assistance of our Czech-speaking delegate who will be at your disposal throughout your stay abroad.


The course of opration is basically divided into three parts. Before the first part, you will be given a local anaesthetic. You don't have to worry about pain, the only thing that stings a bit are the injections used to administer the anaesthesia, but otherwise the transplant is completely painless.


The first part involves removing functional hair roots from the areas where your hair has been growing all your life (called the donor area). This is also why our surgeries are very successful, as we essentially transplant hair grafts from the areas where your hair has been growing all your life to the areas where it hasn't, thus restoring the entire process. The removed hair grafts are prepared into special strips and frozen until they are applied in the final stage.


The second part involves creating new hair channels using a special medical instrument, where your new future hair will then be implanted. All according to predetermined lines, which the client agrees with the doctor. Here, you will take a light three-course lunch break to give you energy for the last stage of the transplantation, and you will also go to the toilet if necessary. It is also important to mention that you can have your phone with you, listen to music or watch a movie during the whole operation.

The third and most important part is the insertion of the new grafts into the pre-formed canals. A team of specialists will use special tools to insert up to 5,000 new grafts, which can ultimately result in 8-10 thousand new hairs. To explain, each root may not always have only one hair, but usually has two to three, depending on the quality of your hair.


And that's it!

After surgery

After the surgery, which usually takes 6-7 hours (depending on the extent of the procedure), you should be at ease, let your body work to recover as quickly as possible and allow yourself to rest. It is a process that will leave you tired, but also immune compromised, and at least a day after the surgery itself, apart from necessary tasks such as eating or toileting, complete rest is recommended. You will be fully functional the day after surgery, but if you are able, it is recommended that you take a few days off.


Stay in the shade and don't expose the transplanted skin to direct sunlight for at least a month and a half, this is essential for the attachment of the new hair grafts. Other things that don't help the complete healing and growth of new hair are -excessive head sweating (two months out of the sauna, excessive exercise, cardio), not drinking alcohol for a week or two after the procedure and limiting caffeinated drinks.


It will take two to three weeks for your skin to heal completely after the procedure, during which time you will follow the hygiene procedures we will explain in detail. This will mainly involve lubrication and washing your head. 


To put it in perspective, whoever promises you hair in three days is a complete charlatan, don't believe it. Hair transplantation is a process that initially takes 5-6 months, however, you will see the result afterwards and you will be very pleasantly surprised. In the first stage you will see new hair just a few days after the operation, it feels great, but be prepared for this hair to fall out within a few weeks. Don't be alarmed, it's part of the process as the roots will take hold in the skin and from there your new hair will start to grow after a month. The hair will be fine at first, but will continue to get stronger over time. You will see the result 6 months after the procedure, but it doesn't stop there, if you take good care of your new hair it will continue to grow in volume and get stronger. 


It is important for us to guide you through the whole process and make sure you always have everything you need. The most important thing is information, which is why our team will also communicate with you throughout the rest of the healing process, right through to the actual result. Whatever you need, we are here to help.


And it's done! However, not quite, the whole process is subject to several factors, such as good health, which is related to a good lifestyle and of course the psyche, so everything is in your hands. Patience is also important and plays an important role in all this. You will often think that nothing is happening, but the opposite is true. However, the first tangible result will only come after 6 months.

The healing process is completely individual for each person, some people heal faster, others slower, but the important thing is that if you follow our recommended procedures, which consist in the correct and regular use of a combination of cosmetics and vitamins, the result is guaranteed and will literally change your life. We consult everything with everyone individually and it does not end with the transplant, on the contrary. Each of our clients receives individual follow-up care from us all the way through to the result itself.

More than 20,000 successful hair transplants have been performed at our clinic in Istanbul to people from all over the world and we have guided many clients through the whole process, including friends and friends of ours, and indeed we ourselves have undergone transplants, so everything here is told from our own experience. 


1-2 months after transplantation


Your skin starts to recover and become red, gradually all the scabs fall out and the wounds close up after the transplant. The connection of the transplanted roots to the bloodstream is restored and final settlement takes place. Your hair will start to grow immediately, but within three weeks it will fall out, but you don't need to worry, the roots remain and the hair will then start to grow again until the final result.


3-6 months after transplantation


You will start to see the first visible results, the hair is already growing and gradually filling in the previously empty areas. The skin is already completely healed and without any visible scars. It may seem like it's up and down, but the important thing is to really persevere. By the sixth month you will see a noticeable difference, the hair, although still weak, is already gaining strength and getting stronger. We recommend undergoing PRP therapy at our salon to speed up the process.


7-12 months after transplantation


Here is the final result, the previously empty areas are completely filled, the hair is strong and practically no one around you will know that you have undergone a hair transplant and you can enjoy your new hair. Go to the salon or barber again and be pampered.