Steps to New Hair: How does a Hair Transplant work?

Hair transplantation has become an increasingly popular method for restoring hair density and improving appearance. This procedure allows individuals who suffer from baldness or thinning hair to regain a full and natural hairstyle. But how exactly does a hair transplant work? Here's a look at the steps of this surgical procedure:

1. Consultation with a doctor

1. Consultation with your doctor The doctor will evaluate your medical condition, type of baldness and suitability for a hair transplant.

2. Planning

During your consultation, your doctor will work with you to create a plan for your hair transplant. You will discuss expectations, possible outcomes and any risks associated with the procedure. The doctor may also recommend the appropriate type of transplant.

3. Hair follicle retrieval

Hair transplantation can be performed in two main ways: by DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction).

DHI is a modern method of hair transplantation that allows hair follicles to be transferred directly to the recipient area without the need to create traditional incisions or channels. This innovative technique ensures minimal invasion, faster recovery and a natural result.

FUE is a more modern and less invasive method. The surgeon retrieves hair follicles individually from the donor area using a microsurgical device. This method does not leave significant scarring and recovery is faster.

4. Preparation of the reception area

Before transplantation, the recipient areas are prepared. The surgeon will create small channels or holes into which the harvested hair follicles will be inserted. This stage is crucial for positioning the hair follicles to create a natural and aesthetically pleasing result.

5. Location of hair follicles

Then the obtained hair follicles are carefully placed in the formed holes in the intake area. The placement of the follicles is carefully planned to ensure optimal hair density and a natural appearance.

6. Treatment and care

Once your hair transplant is complete, your doctor will advise you on how to care for your new hair to minimize the risk of infection and ensure a quick and smooth recovery. This may include taking medication to prevent inflammation and infection, as well as washing your hair gradually.

7. Aftercare

It is important to remember that the results of a hair transplant will evolve over time. The new hair may be short and fine in the first few weeks and months, but will gradually thicken and grow to its full volume.

Hair transplantation is a procedure that allows hair restoration in individuals suffering from baldness. Thanks to modern techniques and expert doctors, the result can be very natural and aesthetically pleasing. If you are considering a hair transplant, a consultation with your doctor is the first step on the road to restoring your hair's beauty.